Rates range and type of tickets

Rates range and type of tickets

Type of Tickets

Type of ticket that the traveler can book (Adult, child, student, retiree) at their associated rate.
For example if there are several types of activity, Example: Tour of the Louvre with tickets and without tickets

  1. Adults with tickets
  2. Adults without tickets
  3. Children with tickets
  4. Children without tickets
It is important that you create general ticket types, that any traveler can understand very well which option they have to choose.

Do not add only Adults, as many travelers believe that the tour is only for adults.

We leave you an example of how you can add:


The system allows you to add ages and free text to adapt it to each partner and activity.

Click on add Ticket Type, to add retirees, underage children, etc. Adapt the offer to 100% of the travelers.

Add Price Range

Use the price range to create different prices for each group of travelers.

Free tour example:

  1. A free tour is free to book from 1 to 10 people, but from 10 people, the price is € 8.

Paid tour example:

  1. A paid tour of 1 to 10 people has a price of € 10, and from 10 people you can the price could be € 8.

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