Spot available

Spot available

There are two ways to manage the available places of your activity.
  1. Within the activity you control the places available at a general level.
  2. In the "availability" section you can control day by day and by activity.

Below you can see the photo to manage the places available globally

Abajo puedes ver la foto de como modificar las plazas disponibles por día y por actividad.  También puedes poner ciertos días plazas ilimitadas.

If you want to see another view, you can use Month or Week, where there are two icons, one is a + and the other is edit, to be able to add another schedule or modify the available places for that activity.

If you click on the +, you will see this screen to add an extra schedule.

Remember that to close / open the existing tour you must click on the tour to change from green to red or vice versa.

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