show traveller in free tour

Update noshow booking

You just have to go to and access our platform with your credentials.

Once inside, you have two options. You can choose the one that is easiest for you, from Booking System or directly from each Activity (recommended):

- From Booking System

Here you will find all those travelers who booked your activity without distinction of tours. By default, our website marks all reservations as attended, so you will have to unmark those that did not attend here:

By clicking on the eye you will change the attendance status of each booking.

The green eye will mean that traveller show and the red eye that they did not attend.

Go to the cart button for each of them, there you will find all the reservations organized by each tour as well as different filters that will help you search for each reservation, either by date or language. In addition, you have the possibility to mark show or no show by selectable blocks, in this way you will make it much more agile and fast:

Remember that you can update the show up to 48 hours after the end of your activity.

Can I modify number of traveller showed in the same booking?

Yes. You have to enter inside and modify the number of people who attended the activity. Our system will automatically updated to billing departament.

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